DMCA page:

Any content that you own that is protected by a copyright might be requested to be removed. You can get in touch with us and request that such content be removed if you see it either posted here or linked to.

You need to include the following details in your accusation of copyright infringement:

Present proof of the authorized representative acting on behalf of the purportedly violated owner of an exclusive right.
Please give us enough contact information to get in touch with you. Additionally, a working email account is required.
A declaration that the person filing the complaint believes, in good faith, that the copyright owner, its agent, or the law has prohibited the use of the content in the way that it has been used.
a declaration attesting to the accuracy of the information in the notification and attesting, under penalty of perjury, to the complaining party's authority to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly violated exclusive right.
must be signed by the authorized representative of the owner of the allegedly violated exclusive right.
The written notice of infringement should be sent to

Kindly give us two to three business days to remove any copyrighted content. Sending an email with your complaint to other parties, including our ISP, won't help you get a faster response and can even cause the complaint to be lodged incorrectly, which could delay it.

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